Through the word clouds, topic modeling tool, and stack chart, I idenitied ten overarching themes in the demands list. I used thematic coding to help facilate group pairings. Given the time restrictions, I was unable to do more iterations of the coding process, but these trends serve as a strong launchpad for understanding the demands made by the student groups.
Demand institution to make public statements against racial incidents, historical injustice, or take a clear anti-racist stance.
Demand institution to make changes in campus leadership (e.g., the removal of President, create a new VP for Diversity)
Demand institution to update or create a diversity requirement in general course requirements.
Demand more funding for Black student groups and services that support Black students.
Demand a designated space or center on campus for Black students.
Demand to increase, create, and/or require bias training for students, staff, and faculty.
Demand a timeline for action and oversight structures for campus implementation. This includes calls for increasing transparency.
Demand for an increase in outreach, hiring, and admissions for Black students, staff, and/or faculty.
Demand to establish or upgrade status of academic centers to academic departments for African American Studies departments.
Demand for increased financial support and scholarship for Black students.
Using Tableau Public, I used the coded data to create a bar chart to compare the demand type with their institutional status (i.e., public or private). For institutional type, there was about even split (private = 49, public = 51). At both public and private institutions, there was a push to increase Black presence and additional funding/resources as the top demands. Though many of the demand types had similar ratios, below there is review of several key differences.
**Click graph to see chart. Powered by Tableau Public.
Public institutions were less likely to demand additional funding/resources that private institutions. This could suggest students from public universities have more uneasiness in demanding funding as it is oftentimes less abundant at public universities.
Public institutions were more likely to demand space and/or a community center. Given is committment to the public/state and its larger size, this could suggest public unveristies have less space designated for its students.
Private institutions were more likely to demand greater accountability. This finding suggests that private institutions are possibly less transparent and have less oversight from students and other accountability structures.
Private institutions were more likely to demand leadership changes. Since this trend included firing and/or hiring a new person, it is hard to draw a conclusion. It could suggest private school students feel more agency to make decisions about campus leadership.
Sentimental Analysis
In an effort to understand the nature of the demands, I completed a sentiment analysis, which assesses writer's attitude towards a particular topic (positive or negative). The overall mean was 1.13 and the standard deviation was 15.11. This shows that student demands only slightly leaned positive, and the demands were netrual or balcanced with both postive and negative attitudes.
KEY FINDING: This suggests that students sought to provide a balance approach in both critique of the institution, but also sought to provide aspirational and positive remarks on institutional change. This finding seems to contradict the preceived notion of demands.
More analysis is needed, but this is an interesting insight.